Everything I do, I believe in creating uplifting dreams and stories through photographs. I believe my purpose is to uplift others and show God’s love in my work as a photographer.

The way I create uplifting dreams and stories through photographs is by connecting with each person I photograph in a special and meaningful way. My goal is to depict your story and your life dreams through each photograph. To create a piece of art that displays what is important to you and your loved ones so that you may look back at these photographs with joy, inspiration, and love.

Your story and dreams matter! Let me capture the beauty of your life.   
~ Mandi 

Let's get Personal

I'm so glad you are here!

"Nothing is impossible.  Even the word itself says, 'I'm possible.'"
~ Audrey Hepburn
"Above all things love each other deeply."
 1 Peter 4:8

Favorite Quotes 

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"Try-hard chia fingerstache venmo snackwave. Sartorial bitters intelligentsia, chambray tilde glossier blog marfa. Actually plaid single-origin coffee waistcoat poutine normcore venmo pinterest."

"Chia fingerstache venmo snackwave. Sartorial bitters intelligentsia, chambray tilde glossier blog marfa. Actually plaid single-origin coffee waistcoat poutine normcore venmo pinterest."

more about me

you'll hear from me shortly.

thank you!

xo, Mandi

Thank you so much for contacting me.  I will be in touch with you soon.   

let's chat

Thank you!

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